DataBank Announces ~$2 Billion Equity Raise. Read the press release.

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Press Release
DataBank Announces Major Recapitalization

Investment will position DataBank to continue expanding and to capture edge infrastructure demand over the next 10 years.

Blog Article
AMT Acquisition of CoreSite – A Different Edge Perspective

Infrastructure providers who over-emphasize the importance of cell tower locations miss the point of true edge computing. Workload deployments are driven by a range of requirements, not just tower locations. Raul Martynek, CEO of DataBank and a leader in IT infrastructure shares his perspective on AMT’s acquisition of CoreSite.

Blog Article
DataBank’s Kansas City Data Centers: Providing a Gateway Across America

Take a closer look at the data centers in DataBank’s Kansas City metro market.

CISO Corner: Episode 8 – Hackers have demanded ransom. Now what?

Episode Topic: Hackers have demanded ransom. Now what?

CISO Corner: Episode 7 – Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS)

Episode Topics: Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS)

CISO Corner Episode 5: Tipping Point in Cybersecurity

Episode Topics: Tipping Point Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention (IDS/IPS).

CISO Corner Episode 4: Insights into Cybersecurity Leadership

Episode Topics: Covid-19, DataBank is adding two new audits for a total of 8 annually and DDoS attacks.

CISO Corner Episode 3: Insights into Cybersecurity Challenges

Episode Topics: How COVID-19 is impacting security, recent security questionnaires, and the Importance of continuous monitoring and vulnerability scanning.

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