Tell us about your infrastructure requirements and how to reach you, and one of team members will be in touch shortly.
Let us know which data center you'd like to visit and how to reach you, and one of team members will be in touch shortly.
Tell us about your infrastructure requirements and how to reach you, and one of team members will be in touch shortly.
Let us know which data center you'd like to visit and how to reach you, and one of team members will be in touch shortly.
Featuring: Rob Lerner, DataBank’s Principal Cloud Architect, and Scott Palsgrove, DataBank’s VP of Strategic Cloud Sales. Join Rob and Scott as they discuss conversations with customers about migrating to the Cloud.
Featuring: Rob Lerner, DataBank’s Principal Cloud Architect, and Scott Palsgrove, DataBank’s VP of Strategic Cloud Sales.
In an era when cloud technology has become a pivotal aspect of digital transformation, making the move to the cloud requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Join industry experts Rob Lerner and Scott Palsgrove from DataBank as they provide invaluable insights into the journey towards cloud migration.
Cost Evaluation: Understand the financial implications of cloud adoption and how to optimize your investment for the best return.
Data Security, Privacy, and Compliance: Navigate the complex landscape of data protection laws and regulations to ensure your cloud environment is secure and compliant.
Implementation: Gain insights into the steps necessary for a successful cloud implementation, including planning, execution, and post-launch considerations.
Integration, Compatibility, and Location: Learn about the challenges of integrating existing systems with cloud services, ensuring compatibility, and the importance of choosing the right cloud location.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Discover how to negotiate SLAs that align with your business needs, ensuring reliable service and clear expectations.
Support: Understand the levels of support available and how to choose a provider that offers the assistance your business needs.
After watching the video, we invite you to share your thoughts, questions, and any additional considerations you believe are crucial when moving to the cloud on our YouTube Channel. Your insights will help foster a richer understanding and community discussion on this vital topic.
Whether you’re just starting your cloud journey or looking to optimize your existing cloud infrastructure, this video is packed with expert advice and practical tips. Take the first step towards a successful cloud migration strategy.
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